martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

About 11

10 Essential Things Every Blog Needs

1. Easy to navigate

Keep it streamlined and simple. You want to make sure your blog is easy to navigate so people can find what they are looking for, subscribe, follow, and stick around. I recommend having a navigation bar on top with highlights of places people might click on your blog. For example, I have blogging, travel, and shop tabs at the top of my navigation.

2. Branded theme

Let’s get real. When someone lands on your blog that’s their first impression of what your blog is about. Even if you have the best written articles in the whole world it simply won’t matter if your blog design is clunky and hard to read. A beautiful design is great, but remember you can find this for the right price. I love designs from Creative Market (that’s where I got this theme) and Restored 316.

3. Search function

Please let it be easy for me to find what I’m looking for on your blog! Chances are, if I’m reading something on your blog I might want to read something else. So make your search function easy to find.

4. Social media follow

We often get so wrapped up in making our blog look pretty we forget to add something as simple as our Instagram. I like to have my social media follow buttons in a few places on my site: top, sidebar, and bottom. Just so people have every option to follow me. We want to keep people coming back for more and a great way to do that is to have them follow you on social media so they are reminded of your incredible posts.

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